Netigate Success Center


Word cloud

Table of contents

    A Word Cloud is automatically built in the report, when: 

    • the question type is Textbox
    • one of the answer alternatives in a question is a Textbox 
    • a background data question is inserted into the report as Textbox 

    A Word Cloud dash always contains a box with the Word Cloud itself and the ANSWERS button, showing the number of open-text answers the cloud is based on. Note that the number of answers is responsive to filters applied in the current report version. 

    View open text answers

    If you just want to read the open text answers, search in them or download answers in Excel

    • Click ANSWERS button above the cloud  
    • An Open-Text Question dash will open 

    If the survey is not anonymous the table will have three columns: Answers, Submitted on (timestamp) and From (respondent details). If the survey is anonymous only answers themselves are shown. 

    If you want to add open text answers to the report

    • Click  in the upper right corner of the dash 
    • Click Add table 
    • A box, containing the table with open-text answers will be added to the dash right under the Word Cloud
    • You can drag, move and delete the boxes within the question dash

    Watch a video tutorial:

    Editing a Word Cloud

    If you want to edit your Word Cloud 

    • Click Options Ú in the Word Cloud box 
    • Option menu will open above the word cloud 

    Font. Choose one of the 8 default fonts 

    Text layout. Change the word cloud shape and words alignment by selecting one of the 5 layouts. 

    Shape. Change the shape of the word cloud to circle, square, rectangle or oval. 

    Min Frequency. You can filter out the words that appear less than a certain number of times in the open text answers.  

    Font size. Adjusting the font size will let you make the word cloud more compact or give it even more space in the report.  

    Word spacing. You can make the word cloud tighter or airier by adjusting the amount of free space between the words.

    Hidden words. If you have hidden certain words from all word clouds in the current report version, can be found under Hidden words. From there you can restore them back, oversee them and check whether the default and custom blacklists are activated for your account.

    Watch a video tutorial:

    Custom and Netigate Blacklist

    Netigate blacklist contains most common words in English, German, Norwegian and Swedish mostly prepositions, conjunctions and pronouns like I, and, is, of, have, etc. Custom blacklist can be created on account level by adding words you want to block in any of the languages supported in Netigate. 

    Access both lists by

    • Click on your Account name in the upper right corner 
    • Select Account Settings 
    • Select Blacklist in left menu 

    When inside the Blacklist section for the Account Settings: 

    • To activate or deactivate Netigate blacklist for youaccount > switch the Default blacklist toggle. 
    • To add words to your account blacklist > click on ADD WORDS TO BLACKLIST 

    word cloud overview

    Applying filters on a Word Cloud

    If you want to include or exclude answer sets containing certain words in the report version you are working with 

    • Left click on a word in the cloud 
    • Select Include or Exclude filter 

    word cloud filters

    When you apply an include/exclude filter on a certain word in the cloud it affects the whole report version you are working with.

    Include: Only the answer sets containing the included word remain in the report, whereas the rest are filtered out.

    Exclude: Removes all answer sets containing the selected word from the report version.

    Note: if you do not intend to remove the full answer sets and just want to remove a certain word from the cloud, i.e. make it invisible, choose option Hide from this report instead.

    If the report contains several series Include and Exclude filters apply to selected series only. So, if you want to include/exclude answer sets containing a certain word from all series, this needs to be done for each one of them.

    Hide from this report

    If you wish to clean up the cloud by removing all the words that do not add value to analyzing the open text answers or can be sensitive 

    • Left click on the selected word 
    • Choose Hide from this report option 

    The word will be hidden from all word clouds in the current report version if you have several ones. But the answers containing this word are not affected. By choosing this option you clean up the word cloud without affecting the data in the report. 

    View all answers containing this word

    When you hoover over a word in the cloud, it shows you have many open text answers in the current report version contain it.  

    If you want to check them out 

    • click View all answers containing this word 
    • an open text answer modal will appear showing all the relevant answers with selected word highlighted

    Exporting a Word Cloud

    A Word Cloud can be exported to PDF or Power Point.  

    The latter export is generated outside the web-report, making the exported cloud look slightly different from the one you see on-line. If you want the cloud to look exactly the same in the PPT export as it does on web, we suggest you take a print screen of the on-line version.

    Word Cloud in a shared report

    Different share settings affect how the cloud works in the shared report. 

    How SHARE settings affect the cloud:

    1. “View text answers” toggle is OFF
    All access to open text answers in the share report is blocked 

    • ANSWER button above the word cloud is disabled, the report recipient can’t see  the answers by clicking on this button. 
    • View answers containing this word option is hidden when left clicking on a word in the cloud.  
    • If the table with text answers is added to the report, it won’t be visible in shared. 

    2. “View text answers” toggle is ON
    Include all series is ticked or the report has no series

    • All open text answers included in the report version are visible (mind the filters)
    • ANSWER button above the cloud is active and opens an open text modal. 
    • View answers containing this word option is available. When left clicking on a word in the cloud the report recipient will be able to see all answers containing this word.

    word cloud view answers

    3. “View text answers” toggle is ON
    Only answers from certain series are cleared 

    Word Cloud will be built on all series included in the shared report version since separate words per se are not sensitive information and do not reveal the respondents. 

    However, the access to the open text answers is only given for the cleared series and blocked for the series blocked for revealing the open text answers. This means that: 

    • ANSWER button above the word cloud will only show open text answers from the cleared series. 
    • View answers containing this word will only be available for words from the cleared series and disabled for words from blocked series.

    If you still feel that the cloud reveals more than you want to, you can delete it from the report version and give access to the open text answers by adding an answer table instead.

    Watch a video tutorial: