Export to Power Point
Export to Power Point is available to all Netigate users. The report will then be exported in a standard Netigate template. There is also an option to export a report to a custom branded Powe Point template as part of select Netigate licenses.
A Power Point export is not identical or complete replica of the survey report. Instead it is generated from the report data and visualized within the settings and constraints of Microsoft PowerPoint. Therefore, there are certain differences between how the data is represented in the web report versus the PPT file.
Note that it is not possible to export the Survey information dash to PPT. The only exception to this is the Response rate, which is represented on the first slide of your PPT export.
Export to PowerPoint settings
Use custom PPT template.
Available to customers with select Netigate licenses. This can be activated through Netigate Customer Support. Several custom templates can be uploaded for the same account.
Anonymous result.
If the survey contains open text answers that are not anonymous, you can anonymize them in the export by activating this toggle. The respondent column, as well as a date and time column, will be removed from the open text answer table in the PPT export. The answers themselves, however, will be in the export.
Include word cloud.
This allows word clouds to be included in the exported report. Note that if the report has no series, the exported wordcloud will not look the same in the export as it does in the web report.
Include open text answers.
Open text answers will be included in the report. They are sensitive to any filters that have been applied before export. PPT export allows a maximum of 100 open text answers per question. If the total number of answers exceeds this limit, only the latest 100 will appear in the export. If you have several series, the answers will be parcelled out as evenly as possible.
One chart per matrix row.
Allows you to create a separate graph representing each row of the matrix question. Each row/graph is exported on a separate slide.
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