User management
Table of contents
As an administrator the user management tab in Account Settings is where you go to add new users and user groups to your account. You can also preview, notify, and edit existing users.
This setup will give you an overview of the options for creating and managing existing users within your Netigate account.
Create new user
To create a new user, click the button +New User and you will get a menu with the necessary information for creating a new user:
When creating a new user you will be presented with the following form:
Name: The name of the user (first and last name).
E-mail: Enter the e-mail address of the user. This will be the account username as well as the contact address where the activation link will be sent once you have set up the account.
Telephone number: Enter the mobile phone number of the user. Please pay attention to the correct format—you will need to include the country code.
Language: Specify what language the UI (User Interface) will be shown in for the user.
Valid until: Set an expiration date for the user. When the valid until date has passed, the login will become inactive and the user will no longer be able to log in.
Anonymous result: Will force the user to always see results as anonymous.
Cross tabulation limit: In this box, you can define a filter limit of your choice. Adding a limit will regulate the user’s filter options to not being able to filter on an alternative with fewer answers than the set limit. It will also restrict the user from exporting and reading individual answers.
User types
In Netigate, there are two types of user: administrators and non-administrators. These two user types are the basic setup of users but you can also limit users on a more personal level via read and write restrictions. These restrictions can be used to decide what the individual users should be allowed to see and do when inside the tool.
Administrators will be able to access everything in the Netigate platform, included in the license form purchased. Administrators can make account-wide changes to the settings that affect users and their conditions. Managing users and their permissions is one of the main tasks for a Netigate administrator. An administrator will also be responsible for managing sub-accounts if you choose to work in an account hierarchy. Using an account hierarchy structure will enable the possibility of sharing settings between sub-accounts managed from a top level account. A Netigate account can have one or several administrators depending on the setup chosen.
A Netigate user without administrator rights can never access any settings for the account or of any existing sub-accounts. The platform divides the non-administrators into two groups: System users and Standards users.
System users
A system user will, by default, see every survey in an account. He or she will be able to edit, read or delete the survey of choice. A system user can work freely in the platform without any survey restrictions or limitations. Although, an administrator can always change the permissions for any user (system users included).
Standard users
A standard user has limited permissions. It might be that the user only gets access to certain Netigate folders or certain surveys in the account. It might also be that the user should be able to see survey results (Read) but not being able to edit the questionnaire itself (Write). All user permissions are set by an administrator in the Netigate User Management Module.
Manage existing users
To select one or multiple users, simply click the checkbox next to their name(s). Once you have made your selection(s), the following options appear and allow you to make quick modifications:
Delete: Removes selected users from the system. Deleted users will no longer be able to log in.
Deactivate: Deactivates the user so they will no longer have access to the account.
Update: Updates the last valid date for the user login.
Send details: Will send an e-mail with information about how to set a (new) password to the e-mail addresses of the marked users.
These options are also available on individual users.
Group management
In group management, you can assign permissions to user groups rather than on an individual basis. If you add a user to an existing group, their account will adopt the permissions of the group they are in. You will have three categories to begin with, which is standard for all accounts: Admin, System users, and Standard users. Customers with certain licenses will be able to create additional user groups within the system.
Create a new group
To create a new group, click Add group. A new window will then appear, prompting you to name the group. This name is what the user group will be identified as within the tool when assigning permissions and adding new users.
Assigning permissions
To grant a user or group access to the different areas within your account, you will need to assign permissions for that specific login. If no permissions are granted, the user will not see any surveys when accessing the tool. Assigning permissions can be done in two different ways: either by giving individual permissions or assigning the user to a user group.
Individual permissions
To assign permission to the user on an individual level, you will first need to click the user’s name or e-mail address in the list for User management. When this has been clicked you will access the User details of that specific user. To access the permissions, click the tab Permissions and you will be able to tailor the user’s authorisation.
In this window you will be presented with all different folders, categories and surveys that are currently available in your account, followed by the different permissions you can assign to the user. If you click the category/folder name you will be given the option of assigning permissions to a single survey rather than the entire folder.
None: This option means the user should not have any access to this category/survey. If set to none the user will not see these surveys in the survey overview.
Read: If you set access to read, the user will only be able to see results and export reports of this specific survey or surveys in that specific category. The user will not be able to access the edit mode and as a result, not able to make any changes or sendouts from the survey.
Write: The user will be given access to the survey/category and have permission to edit the survey and add sendouts. The user will also be given access to reading the results.
Delete: Grants the user the right to delete surveys from Ongoing and send them into the trash.
Anon: Will force the user to always see results as anonymous.
Owner: Sets the user as the owner of that specific folder in the tool. We recommend this to be an administrator.
Limit: In this box you can write a number and set a filter limit. Adding a limit to the survey will restrict the user from exporting and reading individual answers. It will also regulate the user’s filter options to not being able to filter on an alternative with fewer answers than the set limit.
You can combine individual permissions with a group permission. For example, if you want a user to have access to a specific group but add or remove one or more surveys on the specific user’s permission, you can do this by setting an individual permission. The individual permission added is always prioritised over a group permission.
Group permissions
To assign permission to the user on a group level you will first need to click the group name in the list for Group management. When the name has been clicked, you will access the Members tab of that specific group. In this tab you can add and remove users from the group by clicking the username and then either Add or Remove. To access permissions for the specific group, click the tab Permissions.
In the permissions view, you will be presented with all different folders, categories and surveys that are currently available in your account. Followed by the different permissions you can set for the group. If you click the category/folder name you will be given the option of assigning permissions to a single survey rather than the entire folder.
None: This option means that the members of the group should not have any access to this category/survey. If set to none, the user will not see these surveys in the survey overview.
Read: If you set access to read the members of the group will only be able to see results, and export reports of this specific survey or surveys in that specific category. The members of the group will not be able to access the edit mode and with this not able to make any changes or sendouts from the survey.
Write: The members of the group will be given access to the survey/category and have permission to edit the survey and add sendouts. The members of the group will also be given access to reading the results.
Delete: Grants the members of the group the right to delete surveys from Ongoing and send them into the trash.
Anon: Will force the members of the group to always see results as anonymous. If checked, the members of the group will not be able to see what respondents have answered their surveys.
Owner: Sets the members of the group as the owner of that specific folder in the tool. We recommend this to be an administrator.
Limit: In this box you can write a number and set a filter limit. Adding a limit to the survey will restrict the members of the group from exporting and read individual answers. It will also regulate the members of the group filter options to not being able to filter on an alternative with fewer answers than the set limit.
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