Export to Excel
Export to Excel is available to all Netigate users. It represents the report data in 3 different tabs and is sensitive to filters, series and layout changes, like hiding or deleting question dashes.
Shows the report title alongside the day and time the export was created. It also shows the number of answers per series.
Contains Survey information such as Response Rate, Sendouts, etc., but only includes the parameters selected by the user to be shown in the web report. It also shows the answer breakdowns per question and series in percentage format.
Contains all the report data in both numbers and percentages. It is sensitive to filters and changes in layout.
Excel export has the following settings
One sheet per question.
Instead of showing all report data on the DATA tab, Excel export breaks it into several tabs each covering just one question.
Include open text answers.
Exports open text answers if there are any available in the report. Sensitive to filters and settings.
Include charts.
If the user activates the One sheet per question setting, this adds charts showing answer breakdowns in percentages to the data tab or to individual question tabs.
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