Event registration
Table of contents
In addition to standard surveys, you can use Netigate for event registration and invitations. Customise your design depending on the type of event you are hosting, how many participants you want to allow, as well as how many timeslots are available.
Using Netigate for event registration allows you to optimise your invitation management, to handle RSVPs, and send automatic reminders via e-mail.
In addition to the registration, you can even ask for further relevant information, e.g. if the participants require a hotel room, if they have any expectations or wishes for the event, if any special diets are required, as well as evaluation after the event etc.
Set up an event registration
Start by determining whether the respondent will attend your event or not. The easiest thing to do in this regard will be to add a simple yes or no question e.g. Do you want to register for this event?
Limit the respondent’s answers to this question by using Radio Buttons or Dropdown.
By adding Logic to the two different answer options you can send the respondent to different parts of the survey. In the following paragraphs we will go through:
- Participants who answer “No” will jump to the end of the registration.
- Participants who answer “Yes” can choose different activities.
- Participants who answer “Yes” can book different timeslots for their activity.
- Participants who answer “Yes” can add additional information about dietary restrictions, expectations for the event etc.
Tip: We recommend that you add all your pages and questions before starting to add logic. Page Logic is found in the top right corner in edit mode:
Tip: We recommend that you use one page per question as this makes it easier for you to add Logic to each section.
Exclude non-participants
Let us start with the easiest one. If the respondent answers “No” on the first question, you can send them directly to the end of the survey by using Survey Logic. This is done by clicking the Page Logic button on the top right side.
Set the logic so that it correlates with your wishes.
For example: I want to jump to page “End of survey” when answer on this question “Do you want to register for this event” equals “No”.
Follow these steps:
- Use “Jump to page”
- Choose the page “end of survey”
- On the When-section choose “answer on” -> “page 1” -> Equals 2:No”
This means that if the respondent chooses “No” on the first page, they will automatically be sent to the end of the survey.
Click save and test you survey.
Include participants
For participants who answer “Yes”, add the following logic on the first page:
- Use “Jump to page”
- Choose the page “Activities”
- When -> answer on -> Page 1 -> Equals “Yes”
This means that if the respondent chooses “Yes” on the first page, they will automatically be sent to the page where they can choose which activity to participate in.
Click save and test your survey.
Let participants choose different activities
For the respondents who want to participate and selects “Yes” on the first page, you have a few different options if you want additional information. If you have an event where the participants can choose different activities, for example, they can either partake in a group discussion or a workshop, follow the steps below:
- Add new page
- Use Radio Buttons or Dropdown to list the activity options available as it is only possible to partake in one of the activities.
Depending on which activity the participant chooses you can add more Logic to get additional information like at what time they would like to attend. To add timeslots, follow the steps in the paragraph “Book different timeslots”
Book different timeslots
Let us say you have two different timeslots for the Workshop, and the participants need to book a time for their attendance. This is, however, not relevant for the respondents that have chosen to attend the Group Discussion. To hide these options from the participants that have chosen a different activity, go to the paragraph named “Hide options depending on activity”.
- Add a new page for the different timeslots to be displayed.
- Use Radio Buttons or Dropdown as it should only be possible to choose one of them.
- Go to the Activity page and add Page Logic.
- Use Jump to page -> Timeslot.
- When -> answer on -> I want to attend… -> Equals -> Workshop.
This means that if a participant selects the option for Workshop on the Activity page, they will be sent to the Timeslots-page to book their timeslot.
Hide options depending on activity
Like mentioned in the paragraph above, the different timeslots for the workshop are not relevant for the participants that have chosen to attend the group discussion. However, we still want the participants to add information about whether they have dietary preferences. We need to hide the workshop options, and jump to the page regarding the dinner. To do this follow these steps:
- On the Activity-page, add page Logic.
- Choose Jump to page -> Dinner
- When -> answer on -> What activity to attend… -> Equals -> Group Discussion
This means that whenever someone chooses to attend the activity “group discussion” they will jump to the questions regarding the dinner, and not be presented with the workshop timeslots.
In total the logic on the Activity page should look like this:
One section for what happens if you choose Workshop, and one for if you choose Group Discussion.
Set a maximum number of participants
If you want to set up a limit to the number of participants that can register, you can use Page Logic to hide the registration question once a specific number of participants has been reached. Participants could instead reach a page that informs them that the event is already fully booked (do not forget to hide this respective page for all your participants before this limit is reached).
- Go to Page Logic on the registration page, or the page you want to put a limit on.
- Use Hide -> Whole Page -> When -> Count on -> event registration -> Yes – > Is greater than X (in this case 59).
What this means is that when the number of responses “Yes” on the question “Do you want to attend this event” is greater than X, this page will be hidden. X is the number of available spots for participants minus one.
Example: If you set is greater than 59, it will cause the logic to trigger after the 60th participant has responded “Yes”.
If you want to inform the respondents that the event is closed follow these steps:
- Create a page with the information you want the respondents to receive when the registration is full using Info Text. For example: “Unfortunately, this event is already fully booked. Contact us if you have any further questions”.
- On that same page, you will add Logic.
- Use Hide -> Whole Page -> When -> Count on -> event registration -> Yes -> Is less than X (in this case X is 59).
What this means is that if the number of “Yes” responses to the question “Do you want to register for this event” is Less Than X (X is the number of available seats for participants minus one), this page will NOT show.
Add one timeslot per respondent
By adding question-level logic you can set up your survey/registration to have one respondent registered per available timeslot. This is handy when scheduling interviews or 1:1 meeting for example. To do this follow these steps:
- Click the Question Logic button
- Depending on what you want to do with the answer option when it has reached the set limit choose Hide or Disable. Hiding will cause it to not appear as a response alternative whereas disabling it will cause it to be unselectable when the prerequisites are fulfilled.
- Select the intended response alternative and set the count.
- The logic should read: Hide -> Alternative 1 -> When -> Count on -> Timeslot page -> Alternative 1 -> Is greater than -> X (X is the number of available timeslots minus one).
- Make sure to check that the alternative to hide/disable is the same as the one selected under Value.
- Repeat for each response alternative/timeslot. Click the Add Logic button to get a new logic field
- Click Save Changes and test the logic by sending a Testlink to some colleagues.
Set up notifications for an event
If you want to be notified after a certain number of respondents have chosen to participate you can add page-level logic to do so.
- Click the Page Logic button.
- Use Notify -> type in your email address in the text field.
- Next the logic should read: When -> Count on -> Book appointment -> Value: Yes -> Is Grater then X (X is the number of respondents you wish to have notifications about, minus one). Example: If you want to be notified once the 50th person has registered for your event, you set X to be 49.
- Click Save Changes.
If you want to send participation confirmations to the participants, you can select to notify an email that the respondent has provided. Read this guide for more in-depth information about using Logic to send notifications.
Note: For Logic to work on questions it needs to refer to other pages. It is not possible to hide, disable or jump to questions or pages if the reference is on the same page as the question triggering the logic. It is also strongly recommended to build the entire survey before adding logic to ensure the logic refers to the finalised layout.
Tip: It can be a good idea to not have anonymous results to see what each respondent has selected. This can be set up in Survey Settings. Also, consider limiting participation to once per person to avoid multiple access to the survey from the same device.
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