Netigate Success Center



Table of contents

    What is a Slider and what is it used for?

    Sliders can be used by respondents to show their desired value on a sliding scale.

    How do I customise my Slider?

    As you can see you have a selection of options for your Slider on top of the dialogue box. Let’s take a look at what these do, as well as the basics.

    Add the question title by double-clicking the top row. Then set the value for your scale. The scale is already weighted by default to provide you with the possibility to weight the answer options. Weighting the response alternatives gives you the ability to draw different types of values in your report. For example, an average value and the standard deviation of the answers.

    Required is used if you want the response of this question to be mandatory. This means that the respondents need to answer the question to proceed to the next page or your survey.

    Show selected value is used if you want to display the selected value for the respondent when the question is answered.

    Min and Max decide the value of the scale the slider is on. Note: We recommend that you use a scale from 1-10 for slider questions.

    When you are satisfied with your settings, click Save and preview your page to check that everything is the way that you want it to be.

    How does the Slider look for the respondent in the survey?

    Standard view:

    With Show Selected Value: