Netigate Success Center


Generate report from series

Generate report from series can save you a lot of time when doing reports. You can create multiple reports in just few clicks based on the series in your current report version. Each report will only contain the data for the specific series. You can also add a Total comparison series and bulk export or bulshare those reports afterwards.  

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How to generate report from series

  1. Create several comparison series
  2. Click Left Menu / Series / Select all or select individual series 
  4. A Generate multiple versions modal will open 
  5. If you want to add a comparison series containing all unfiltered survey data, activate the toggle Include total result 
  6. Click GENERATE
  7. Success modal will appear in the lower right corner, from there you can choose to SHARE or EXPORT your generated reportsOr you can choose to do it later from Left Menu / Saved reports

  8. Generated reports are saved under Left Menu / Saved reports

Their titles are autogenerated from Name of original report, Series name.

You can rename them by clicking on the report title, entering the report and changing its name in the top dash.