Netigate Success Center


Respondent overview

Table of contents

    Respondent overview allows you to see the full list of respondents whose answers are included in the current report version.

    The Respondent overview modal

    To access the Respondent overview for your report, click LEFT MENU > Respondents. 

    The Respondent overview modal will open. Note that it is sensitive to the filters applied in the current report version. So, if you have included or excluded certain answer sets, the respondents behind them will be excluded from the Respondent overview for this particular report version.

    In the Respondent overview modal you can do the following:

    • Navigate
    • Search respondents
    • See individual answers
    • Delete answer sets
    • Check progress
    • Survey start and duration

    Navigate in respondent overview

    You can select the number of respondents shown per page in the Respondent overview modal. It is set to 10 by default, but you can extend it to 25, 50 or 100 and scroll through the modal to see the full list.

    Search respondents

    You can search respondents by:

    • Personal name (if the name is contained within the e-mail address)
    • Domain name
    • Top-level domain (like .se, .de)

    Note that if the survey is anonymous, the RESPONDENT column in the Respondent overview will mark all respondents as anonymous. The same applies when the survey is distributed via general link.

    See individual answers

    If you want to see what answers a particular respondent has given for each question, click on the chosen respondent in the RESPONDENT column.

    This opens a new modal where you can see which questions the user has answered and what their answers are.

    If a survey— and, therefore, the respondents— is anonymous, you can still click on individual (but anonymised) respondents and see what each answer set contains.

    Delete answer sets

    If you want to delete one/several/all answers in the survey, select the ones you want to delete, and  click the DELETE button.

    Note that answer set removal happens on the survey level as opposed to report version level. This means that if you remove an answer from a certain respondent, you remove it from the whole survey and it disappears from all the report versions. NOTEThis action cannot be reversed.

    Check progress

    The Progress column in the Respondent overview modal indicates whether or not each respondent has completed the survey.

    Completed: The respondent has answered all or some of the question in the survey and submitted feedback by clicking the FINISH button at the end of the survey.

    Not completed: The respondent has entered the survey, potentially answering one or more questions, but has not completed the survey or clicked the FINISH button.

    Survey start and duration

    In the SURVEY START column you can see the date and time when the user first accessed the survey.

    The Duration column shows how much time the user spent answering the survey.

    You can sort both columns by ascending or descending order, by clicking on up and down arrows.