Netigate Success Center



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    When you are done with the creation of your survey, the natural step is to publish the survey in order to collect answers. The Distribution page is where you can create new sendouts and links for your survey to distribute to your respondents. You can also see existing sendouts here.

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    Where do I find Distribution?

    To access the distribution menu for your survey there are two options:

    1. On the start page, and in the All Surveys overview you can access distribution by clicking the paper plane icon on the right side of the survey name.
    2. You can access it from Edit mode of your survey. From here, go to the page called Distribution that is available from the menu on the top of the screen.

    What can I do in Distribution?

    The distribution menu shows the various methods available for publication of the survey. The most common methods are sending out the questionnaire via e-mail or creating a general link that can be published on your website or social media. You can combine multiple mailings for your survey e.g. distributing via e-mail, link, and SMS for the same survey if you wish. The results will be recorded in the same report, regardless of which of these distribution methods you use. You do not need to create different surveys to reach respondents through different channels.

    The first time you enter the distribution page, you will only be presented with your different options, as you have not created any mailing or links to the survey yet.

    On the top right, there is the possibility to use a test link on the survey to review and test the survey without registering any answers to it.

    Different distribution channels

    E-mail sendout: When you have a set list of respondents that you want to reach, we recommend that you choose to send the survey via e-mail. It is easy to set up and perfect for sending automatic reminders to respondents who have not yet answered the survey. You can read more about it here.

    SMS sendout: When you have a set list of respondents that you want to reach by phone, we recommend sending the survey via an SMS sendout. It is easy to set up and perfect for sending automatic reminders to people who have not yet answered the survey. You can read more about it here.

    Genral link: This option can be used when you want to share your survey more generally. For example, any situation where you don’t necessarily know your potential respondents’ e-mail addresses or telephone numbers, the link can be used to publish the survey in an environment where it can be reached by a suitable target group e.g. on your website or via social media. You can read more here.

    Logins: If you do not have access to the respondent’s individual e-mail addresses or mobile phone numbers, logins will carry a lot of the same benefits as e-mail or SMS surveys. Logins will provide a username, password and survey ID that will allow them to respond to the survey. You will also be provided with individual links for each of the respondents should you need to input data into the survey from paper survey for example. You can read more here.

    Embedded question: This is useful for when you have one specific question that you want to embed in an e-mail or on a webpage. In order for the embed question functionality to work you will need a radio button question (an NPS question for example) and in order for the question to be compatible there needs to be images associated with the response alternatives. You will need images for all mail clients to be able to correctly display the question. You can read more here.

    What comes next?

    When you have completed your creation of sendouts, links and reminders, you will be redirected to the overview page. Now you can see a list of all your sendouts. Here you will also find all additional information about your sendout, such as sendout type, date and time, name of survey as well as how many respondents the sendout goes out to as well as status. Reade more about the sendout panel here.