Netigate Success Center

Product Updates

Dec 2019

Language footer in shared report

You now have the option to change the language in your shared reports. When you scroll to the bottom, you will see 4 flags in the footer which enable you to switch language between English, German, Norwegian, and Swedish.

language footer

What does this mean for you as a Netigate user?
When you share reports, you do not need to worry about the language preferences of your report recipients anymore. They can choose the language they are most comfortable with, regardless of the language you are using inside the Netigate platform.

Note: This feature changes the language of the tool itself, e.g. descriptions, headings, errors, etc. It does not change the language of the actual questions and results. To change the language of the actual questions, the survey needs to have been created in the multi-language tool. You will see a drop-down menu in the top right corner of your report to switch survey language if applicable.

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